Sunday, April 22, 2007

I am tired

Why does it seem that the more we work the less time we have to our selves. I am technically on call 7 days a week 364 day out of the year. This one job that I have I could easily put in 80+ hours in a week. I know people that work one or more jobs just to stay ahead.
American are always rushing about never really have time for the little stuff anymore. The more we work it seems that the less we communicate with real people. I know when I have free time I enjoy reading a book. I moved to Raleigh a couple years ago but I have not really made any real friends. I pretty much gave up on dating because of my work schedule is really weird and I never know when I will be home. I know there are a lot of people out their in my same situation because of the other people that do my job . When we get together we vent to one of another over the same things. Well right now I just venting because it gets tiring venting to someone who is in the same boat as you. Have a good night all.

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